Monday, December 1, 2008

Capture the Flag the funnest game ever! Especially when the Fuckin' A Rodeo puts it on bikes, downtown! That game was ill, so much fun, quite a bit more intense that I had imagined, a bit scary actually, but I loved it. Can't wait to play again. It's something that I would consider getting a helmet cam for.

So set-up was; four teams, colors, each had 'home turf' in which they had a jail with one guard, hid their 'Flag' (see 5gal. bucket) (wo)maned by two guards, and could not be 'taged'. For everything outside your turf you were fair game and could be jailed, which sucks! But on enemy turf is where glory comes 5 gallons at a time, so naturally there was a battle royal. I must say, I'm happy to have only been jailed once, and have captured two enemy, and participated in two Flag acquiring raids, that's like a 1-2-2 record or something, bad ass, oh! and I acquired no new medical bills! Wish I had pictures, this game is too insane.

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