Friday, July 25, 2008

Chipotle: My cyclist friendly McFriend

With McDonald's owned Chipolte being a title sponsor of the American Tour De France team they have really let cycling go to there heads, and I'm glad! Last week I learned of Le Burrito, a promotional menu item said to have just what the cyclist needs packaged in a tasty wrap full of rice, chicken, black beans, guacamole, and pico; so naturally I had to try one. While there I learned of an even better promotion that they were having, FREE burritos, one day only limited to cyclists. So today I peddled down there on my lunch break to reap my reward, and was pleasantly surprises to learn how good the deal was.

Upon arriving there must have been 20 bikes or more locked up on the corner of 8th and Congress, I was glad to see so many people taking advantage of this offer. On the street a guy asked me what the deal was, when told he sighed and said "man, just my luck, I'm on a super cleanse this week and not eating" I laughed and said "bummer!" he then realized the deal was just too good to pass up and said "well I should get one for my family" (good to see family values).

Of course with all those people taking advantage of the deal of the day came the inevitable line, it actually moved pretty quick and was over before you knew it. The cashier must have seen my helmet when she came to take my order, I asked "what can I have?" to which she replied "anything", too cool. Naturally I ordered Le Burrito.

When they gave my my fat wrap they even through in a drink, killer! I took my lunch to the terrace area where I often see messengers and other bikers hanging out, they even had a temporary bike rack set up in there. Half way through my burrito I realized there was no guacamole! The best part! Oh well, it was free.

1 comment:

laura.tex said...

Hey, FYI, Chipotle is no longer owned by McD's. I think it sold its share a year or so ago.