Tuesday, July 29, 2008

News before it happens

Ok, not quite, but it sure does feel like it! My friend Addie introduced me to Twitter a few weeks ago and while skeptical at first I now love it. Just today for instance, I learned that an earthquake hit California just minutes after it happened, and before any news sources had reported it; I also saw a picture of a car fire on Mopac (via TwitPic) which was later featured on the front page of the Statesman. I mean sure, seeing that picture and knowing of the quake did not have a huge impact on my life, but cool? You bet!

Twitter is a new form of live micro bloging where you can give short (140 characters to be exact) "tweets" about what your doing, what others should be doing. You know stuff like, "magos just went on sale at Whole Foods" or "Meet at Freddie's for happy hour" or "Art show next Wed."... and the list goes on and on. You subscribe to 'follow' people and than there tweets come up on a feed reader styled home page.

Check out Twitter, and follow me here.

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